For many years, has been the go-to site for Italian players in the online gambling universe. A clean and user-friendly web design that is interactive, fast and packed with excellent multimedia features. is the point of reference for industry fans. It is a reference point for long-time players and players who are about to get their feet wet in the gambling world.

Frequently Updated Website

The website is updated frequently with new and exciting free online slot games, welcome casino bonus offers and reviews of licensed online casinos. The website menu is intuitive and easy to navigate. The menu consists of four sections: Free Slots, Safe Online Casinos, No Deposit Casino and News. The “News” section is well designed and offers regular news updates on the national and international gambling industry. Each game review on the website features a user rating, name of the editor, a short description and the main features of the slot game. Each casino review consists of an expert rating, a user rating, main features of the online casino, a Q & A section and everything you need to know about the casino (slot games, game providers, review and opinions, registration, welcome bonus, etc).

Bonuses and Detailed Information

The site aims to provide its reader with accurate information that impacts the gaming industry and news about promotions and bonuses. Information about the best online casinos in Italy, along with expert and user reviews can be found in the menu section. One of the most visited sections is the “Free Spin Bonus”. This section has a list of the best Italian online casinos that offer new users the opportunity to win real money without any deposit. Each online casino in the “Free Spin Bonus” section features a user rating, welcome bonus information, featured software providers and a link to access the welcome bonus.

Great User Experience is an absolute must for Italian players. The information provided by the site is complete, detailed and insightful. Users are spoilt for choice because the list of online casinos available on the site is very extensive. According to us, it is the most reliable specialized website in Italy, both in terms of information and slots programming.

Modern and user-friendly website

Launched in 2011, the website combines transparency and modernity. The main menu is minimal and intuitive. Players can do quick searches using the ‘Search’ bar and navigate through the website pages effortlessly. The colours are attractive but not intrusive, while the information is presented clearly and quickly. If you take away the lists and bonus reviews, left without advertising banners, the lack of ads makes it even more user-friendly, without invasive content and spam.

Social media communication has been present for years on Facebook, a social network used to inform its fans of the launch of new free online slots.

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