Year of establishment

2017 is no more a newcomer, but a well-established leader when it comes to online slot news and community. A platform focusing on gathering gambling enthusiasts together and sharing views, news and bonuses is a very optimistic project. They don’t want to be the transmitter, but also the receiver of what people say. Everyone contributing to the website’s development is rewarded by exclusive offers. To get there, they’ve designed a beautiful and functional website, full of up-to-date news and reviews.

If the site is updated

Updates are one of the website’s advantages. Latest news from the worldwide casino industry is the first you watch when visiting Instead of placing the “News” section somewhere low or as a sub-section, they decided to focus on it.

There are five main categories in the main menu. “Casinos”, “Bonuses”, “Guides”, “Online Slots” and “Game Developers”. Each section contains multiple sub-sections, so you can find quickly and easily what you look for. The community-style function of is obvious from the beginning, as at the main menu there are options like “Forum”, “Youtube”, “News” and, of course, the “Log In” and “Register” buttons.

The “Casinos” section have six sub-sections, containing lists based on special features (such as “lock withdrawal casinos” or “mobile casinos”). Of course, the newest ones are placed in a special section “New Casinos”. There’s also a “Top Casinos by country” list. The “Guides” section is filled with articles regarding strategy, tips and presentation of the various casino games. The “Online Slots” section is divided to categories regarding the developing company or the bonuses offered (Jackpot slots, Bonus buy slots etc.). The “Game Developers” section contains a presentation of the various companies.

Each casino is presented quickly on the list, containing the welcome bonus and three tips. If you’d like more information, there’s an analytic review available by just clicking on the casino logo.  

Special offers

According to administrators, the website’s popularity made them able to “negotiate exclusive welcome bonuses such as the ones found on our 200% casino bonus, best online casinos and best casino bonus pages”. A not registered visitor could get all bonuses offered by various casinos, but to get the exclusive bonuses you have to be part of the story. So, there’s a “register” button, to join the community. If you like, you could comment on casino ranking procedure or share your gabling experiences in one or more of the casinos. You can also post in the “Forum” section. The bonuses are attractive, so they’ve brought together a respectable amount of online members.

If the user experience is good

Absolutely. Even if you don’t like to be a member of the growing community, a visit could give you vast information about what’s going on in the industry and get useful tips about games, slots and strategy. Becoming a member is more exciting, as you can get free spins and other welcome bonuses in various casinos.

If it’s modern

Launched in 2017, they’re still as modern as they have to be. The structure of the front page is somewhat minimal (no bizarre shapes, only rectangles, no jiggling banners and colors), but also complete. There’s a search button up right, which makes the searching procedure easier. 

If it’s social media friendly

The Youtube channel, presented also in the main menu, is a critical way of advertising. With more than 4.200 subscribers, they keep on offering exclusive content. It’s true that I expected more impressive numbers when searching their social media accounts, though. The Twitter one has some 250 followers, even if they’re posting daily and more than once. The Facebook page is less advertised, with about 50 members. 

If banner positions are good

Apart from the betting lists and the reviews, has no advertising banners. This adds to the website’s credibility, though, as all websites are presented through ranking and are reviewed for their pros and cons. 

Final Score (4,7) ♠♠♠♠ has become a totally respected website nowadays. They’re growing daily their loyal member community, still providing latest news and updates and offering some of the most juicy bonuses available. A success story, undoubtedly. 

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