Casino Cash Journey

Year of Establishment


All websites have a “best before” date. After that, they should disappear or totally change to attract audience. That’s what internet marketing experts say. This is the rule, but of course there are exceptions. Casinocashjourney is online since 2001 and still functions better than anyone in the business. Because they know what to do and they’re doing it by the best way possible.

Launched when the internet business was a whole different than today, Casinocashjourney first operated as a casino catalogue, trying to bring together all legal casinos in one website, so it would be easier for the user to compare and decide. The main target hasn’t changed, but the whole project has been enriched with the most complete casino list ever and a series of high-standard strategy and “how to play” articles. 

If the site is updated

You can be sure that if an online casino appears in the internet market, casinocashjourney is one of the first places you can read a review about it. Actually the website contains reviews about 863 (!) different casinos around the world. Because of the huge list, the casinos are divided by alphabetical order into four sub-sections: A-C, D-L, M-R and S-Z. This is the first website I’ve bumped into which cuts the list into pieces. Imagine a list with 800+ casinos in one page.

Every casino is fully reviewed as for the most juicy parameters: offers and bonuses, VIP comps, mobile software, banking options, software and currencies. Simple as that. Not a stream of namby-pamby words, only what really matters. 

Special offers

One of the cons of the Casinocashjourney project is that they don’t gather together all the special offers (free spins, no deposit bonus etc.), as other casino-related websites do. The information is there, as in every casino reviewed there’s accurate data about offers and bonuses (welcome bonus, refer-a-friend policy etc.), but you just have to click in every casino review to gather it. I guess that’s a matter of website principle: Treating all online casinos the same way is the best way to be honest and objective.

If the user experience is good

As I mentioned before, the big plus of this website is the experience, which is present everywhere, especially the “how to play” section, which is full of useful articles. There are four main sections , “casino games”, “bingo games”, “poker games” and “beginners”. Every single game is there, in the articles there are tips, strategies, how to play and more. From beginner to expert, you can find something you didn’t know if you read carefully.

If it’s modern

I wouldn’t tell. But that’s a matter of strategy, I suppose, rather than attachment to the past. In these 19 years being into the business, of course they would be advised to change the website, add more colors, add more sections to the menu, add a scrolling down template or a carousel providing more and more online casinos in the first page. But they denied. This is a legendary website, after all, a classic of its kind, with hundreds of loyal readers. So, if something isn’t broke, don’t change it.

If it’s social media friendly

There’s actually a Twitter account connected to the website, but it’s inactive since November 2017. It’s a pitty, as they have more than 5.500 tweets and about 3.000 followers. No Facebook account available. They don’t seem to focus on social media marketing.

If banner positions are good

Apart from the lists, which are ads themselves (there’s a button “Join Now” near every online casino banner), the Casinocashjourney website has no advertising banners. This adds to the website’s credibility, though, as all websites are presented through ranking and are reviewed for their pros and cons.

Final Score (4,6) ♠♠♠♠

After nearly two decades in the business, they really know where to focus. A vast selection of reviews about almost every online casino available and a series of useful articles concerning all casino games. A reliable source of information about anything you need to know. I miss some comparable functions, but it’s OK with me. I appreciate those honoring tradition.

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