Esports Betting for Beginners

Esports betting, betting on the outcome of video game matches, has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years. Betting on esports is no more difficult than betting on regular sports but there’s a couple of things you need to know going in.

Choose a Game to Specialise In

Even if you are an avid gamer yourself, you should still try to focus on developing your knowledge of a single title. While the esports market has been growing exponentially year on year, there is still a handful of games that account for the majority of the competitive tournament and attract the bulk of the money in esports between them.

This works in the favour of players who want to take up esports betting as they only need to familiarise themselves with a relatively small number of games. Fortnite is the rising star of the esports world, having taken the entire world of gaming by storm. The more established popular esports titles include Dota, League of Legends 2, CS:Go and Super Smash Bros.

The list of games that you can spectate and bet on online is growing by the day. Most competitive multiplayer games could theoretically be targets for esports betting and organised tournament play and the growing number of online platforms that facilitate either the spectating or the betting side of things means punters have more options than ever before.

Choose the Right Betting Site

A number of the most popular online casinos and betting sites are now offering esports betting alongside the classic options. Esports betting hasn’t quite gone mainstream yet, but it is rapidly approaching that point. You no longer need to seek out specialist websites and platforms to participate in esports betting.

You should always make sure that you thoroughly investigate any gambling platforms before you entrust them with your wagers and trust them to pay out what you win. For example, one of the more popular esports betting sites in the UK is Bethard. If you read any Bethard Review, you will see that they are a reliable and trustworthy betting platform. Like most platforms that offer esports betting, their history lies in traditional sports betting.

Identify Potential Outcomes You Can Bet On

Before you can think about placing any bets, you need to establish exactly what you can bet on. This is part of the reason that you should aim to develop your knowledge and familiarity with individual titles. It is only once you know how these games work and play that you can make informed decisions about what to bet on and how much to bet.

Develop Your Strategy 

Once you have a good understanding of the mechanics of the game and betting platform that you’ve chosen, you will then need to develop your betting strategy. This means identifying how much you can afford to bet and how you can make sure that you don’t go over your limit. When you are just beginning with esports betting, it makes sense to bet on the simplest outcome – who you think is going to win the match.

As you become more familiar with how esports betting works and who the key players and teams in your preferred game are, you can begin to experiment more. The great thing about the current esports landscape is that once you have had your fill of one game, there are plenty of others you can move onto.

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