Thrills Casino launched in 2013 by the BetIt Group, who we can also thank for other top online casinos such as Kaboo Casino and SuperLenny Casino. Thrills Casino prides itself on offering the best casino games, unique loyalty program with its Bonus-O-Meter rewards and a very unique design.
Thrills Casino has one main aim, and that is to bring colour and life to the world of online casino entertainment. Imagine the Berlin State Circus imploding with some major Las Vegas casino slot hall? The result would be Thrills Flying Casino!
Bonuses and Promotions at Thrills Casino
All new players joining Thrills Casino can look forward to a top notch welcome bonus to help you get started. Register a new account, which literally takes 45 seconds and no more, make your first deposit and take advantage of their amazing welcome offer of 20 free SUPER spins and up to a total of £1500 in casino bonuses. And for a genuine thrill? The Free Spins which are given to you, come without ANY wagering requirements! Yep, you read that right, any bonus cash that you win from your bonus spins is turned into real cash immediately!
How The Thrills Casino Bonus Works:
1. Register a new account at Thrills Casino
2. Make your first deposit and you’ll get a 200% Bonus up to £100 + 20 Super Spins
3. On your 2nd Deposit, you can get a 50% Bonus up to £600
4. On your 4th deposit, a 50% Bonus up to £600 is up for grabs
5. On your 5th Deposit, get a further100% Bonus up to £200
What are Super Spins? They’re great and are what makes this welcome offer one of the best online. Forget about the normal low value free spins. With Thrills’ Super spins, you’ll 20 high spins on Starburst Slot, which are worth £1 each! The best part of all? They are wagering free!
Thrills’ Bonus-O-Metre: Get Rewarded as you Win!
Everybody likes winning, right? Correct. At most other online casinos, you can usually play your favourite games and trigger the bonus rounds. But Thrills Casino offers something a bit more than that, as they reward customers for winning bonus games! It couldn’t be easier. Thrills Casino have hidden loads of treasure chests filled with Free Spins and Casino Bonuses in some of the most popular games on the market. All you need to do to unlock the prizes is to win bonus rounds when playing the games.
Thrills Casinos’s Bonus-O-Metre will guide you on your journey and help you keep track of your progress. What’s more is that you will also find different extra perks inside the Bonus-O-Metre, such as the amazing Sunday promotion when the “Lightning Multiplier” is activated all day! This means that the bonus rounds will be counted twice, so you can easily progress twice as fast towards your treasures and extra rewards. When you log into your Thrills account, you can easily keep track of what’s what and how you’re getting on. It’s made real simple.